Meditation, Inspiration and Guidance with Anandamath
Spiritual centre Anandamath visits EdanZ. Thursday 7 November, 17:00-19:00, in studio 10.
A special moment of meditation, inspiration and guidance to connect to another perspective on life.
The voice of the heart, the united voice of Ascended masters of all traditions, who like to be called the Light Brotherhood, will be speaking to you through Agnes from spiritual centre Anandamath in France. These beings of light unite to aid humanity in their re-awakening and give inspiration and advice together with the voice of union. Their intention is to aid you to rediscover another paradigm, another vision of life, another positioning in all aspects of our existence, to aid humanity to find back harmony and perfection within self and in relation to the world around them, to remember what it means to be human.
Come to this unique evening of inspiration and share in the deep love of Being, the Source of All that is.
Come to receive wisdom that comes from union to guide you to ascension, going beyond yourself and back to harmony with all life.
What happens when cells are brought back to their light memory? When all limits are replaced by freedom and possibilities? and how is this connected to perfect health, longevity, creative power, inner and outer harmony?
Come to receive answers to these and any other questions you might have!
This is a donation-based Community Event. Direction: €7, or to capacity.