Introduction to Zen Buddhism with Senko Sensei

This is an EdanZ Event.

Senko Sensei will provide two guided meditations in order to lead participants through sequential states of:

harmonizing our body & mind,

experiences of oneness and

clear perception of differences popping up in our mind.

This way meditation can become a valuable source for navigating daily life situations. In between the two guided meditation sessions, there will be ample opportunity for practical Q&A.

Senko is a Zen Buddhist monk. He was trained in the International Zen Temple Zen River. After receiving Dharma transmission in 2014, he started teaching for local sanghas in Utrecht, Wageningen and Groningen. His homebase is the Zen Boat, Groningen.

Anyone with some meditation experience in whatever way is welcome to join the workshop.
Contribution is a donation of minimally €8,=. Make sure to wear loose fitting clothes.




19:00 - 21:30


Senko Sensei